Why You Shouldn’t Keep Your MacBooks Plugged In?

Dilan the techie
3 min readAug 8, 2022


Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash

Most people that use Apple MacBooks have the habit of keeping their devices plugged in continuously to the power. Today we are going to give several good reasons for those who do that, to not to do it ever again.

Photo by Apple store

In some laptops there is an option to stop the battery from charging 0% — 100% and only to charge 80% from it. When you have your MacBook plugged in to the power continuously, it charges the battery to fully 100% and that effects the battery in a quite bad way. These Lithium-Ion battery that comes in Apple MacBooks gets too much power for days or weeks and the battery cells start to wear off eventually with the continuous high voltage. Also the heat affects the lifespan of the battery too, and it can also affect badly to other physical components of the laptop if there is no proper way to get rid of the heat.

Well this isn’t a major problem that you’ll notice in the short run, but the longer you use your MacBook like that, little by little, capacity of the battery may decrease. So if the battery was originally capable of doing 1000 charge circles, this little issue can take it down to like approximately 800 cycles, and that is a 20% drop. This is the exact reason Apple iPhones show a warning message which says “Discharge battery now” when it is plugged to the power for too long. Many experts recommend unplugging your phone at 80% without going fully, and they also advice to plug it again to the power when it is at 20% or nearby. The same method applies to the laptops, not only MacBooks, every laptop.

Apple MacBooks didn’t have a solution for this issue until they released the iOS Catalina in 2019. With this update, the user can use Battery Health Management option to adjust their power needs optimally. With the optimized battery charging method, it analyses your battery charging routine and lets you to charge the battery fully when you are just about to unplug it, so it doesn’t stay at 100% for too long. For those who doesn’t unplug their device at all can limit the charging to just 80%. Stopping the charging at 80% will prevent the wastage of one good charge cycle. It directly helps to maintain the lifespan of the battery.

Another good way to keep your battery lifespan stable is to no to run any heavier programs while depending on the battery. Anything that drains the battery lot quicker should be done when the laptop is plugged to the power. Using these little methods will definitely help you to maintain your battery health properly.

Hope this article was helpful for you in some way. Just leave a comment if you have to add anything more to this article or for us, we will look forward to it.

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